
Green Woodpecker

Picus viridis

1 Photos

The woodpecker, fairly large with a predominantly green plumage, stands out across its habitat. Key features include a red crown, pale eyes, and a black face (males bear a distinct red whisker mark). During flight, a yellowish rump becomes apparent in its slightly undulating trajectory. Juveniles exhibit extensive barring and spotting without the characteristic face pattern. This species thrives in open woodlands, heathlands, gardens, and farmlands dotted with hedges and sizable trees. Unlike its counterparts, this woodpecker primarily forages on the ground, including garden lawns, where it explores anthills with a peculiar shuffling movement. Its vocalization comprises a loud, vibrant “kee-kee-kee-kee-kee” call, with drumming occurring infrequently.

Photo of Green Woodpecker