

Buteo buteo

9 Photos

The most frequently observed large hawk in numerous regions, commonly sighted gliding. Prefers habitats like woodlands, forest peripheries, farmland bordered by hedges, and occasionally urban areas with sizable trees and wooded parks. Additionally forages across open landscapes, particularly moors and rugged grassy areas. Typically spotted alone or in pairs, soaring above fields and forests with wings slightly elevated. This robust hawk displays broad wings and a relatively short, square-tipped tail (rounded in flight). Its plumage varies but typically showcases a lighter breast band, subtle dark tail stripes, and a prominent dark tip on adult tails.

Photo of Buzzard
Photo of Buzzard
Photo of Buzzard
Photo of Buzzard
Photo of Buzzard
Photo of Buzzard
Photo of Buzzard
Photo of Buzzard
Photo of Buzzard