
Erithacus rubecula

3 Photos

This small, charming bird features a vivid orangey face and breast, easily concealed from behind. Juveniles showcase bold pale buffy spotting on their back and breast. It inhabits various wooded areas like forests, gardens, farmland hedges, and heathlands, typically staying close to cover. Its lively hops on the ground are accompanied by frequent pauses, wing flicks, and tail cocks. The bird efficiently hunts by dropping from low perches, seizing prey, then retreating to a shady spot. Its high-pitched song is diverse, characterized by warbles, trills, and a subsong of meandering warbling mixed with unique fizzing and twittering sounds. Calls include a dry “tic” often in quick bursts, as well as a thin, descending alarm call with a high pitch.

Photo of Robin
Photo of Robin
Photo of Robin

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