
Sedge Warbler

Acrocephalus schoenobaenus

1 Photos

Small and distinctively marked, the warbler showcases a striking appearance with its broad, pale buffy eyebrow and dark crown stripes. Its upperparts are predominantly rich dark brown with subtle streaking, while the underparts appear buffy. Juveniles during summer to autumn exhibit fine dusky breast streaks. This bird thrives in marshy and scrubby environments featuring reeds, brambles, and bushes, often avoiding extensive pure reed beds. While migrating, it can also be spotted in drier habitats. The warbler''s song resembles that of a reed warbler but is faster-paced, jerkier, and rougher-toned. Despite being frequently heard, spotting it can prove challenging. Its calls include short, dry "tchrrt" and "chek" notes.

Photo of Sedge Warbler